Last summer I spent one month in Brazil. I have chosen as a town Recife. Recife was my desired city because of the weather. Altough there is a winter in July, it means you will need only shorts and T-shirts. However, if you expect swimming in the ocean every day, you will be dissapointed. Recife is known for many shark attacks, so it is safer to stay on the beach and just enjoy the view with the drink in your hand. This city is huge, crowded and full of life. At first it was a cultural shock, but it was very easy to adapt. People here really know how to enjoy a life. They are really good dancers and they dance and sing a lot everytime it is possible. Also Brazilians are very friendly, open-minded and energetic. On the other side Brazil has a high rate of criminality so you have to take care about yourself all the time. Unfortunately, poor people can be really dangerous.
My application was accepted in the Department of General surgery. It was my first choice so I was really satisfied. My typical day in hospital started at 8 a.m. First, we went on rounds and then we could see some surgeries, which we´ve chosen. During the clerkship we could choose any operation we were interested in. Somedays we chose surgeries from another departments. Although, many people here didn´t speak English, every single doctor was trying to explain us what we saw. One day we had suture practise, where we trained how to make different types of sutures and nodes. I can say that doctors were trying to teach us so many types that I was completely lost. In my agreement was written that I should spent 6 hours per day in hospital, but it wasn´t so strict. It was very useful for me to see another type of providing health care, medical students in Brazil have more rights to do pratical procedures such as making sutures etc.
Our international group included 7 exchangers all from the Europe. Another students were located in different departments, so through the day we didn´t see each other a lot. But when our work in the hospital was finished, we sometimes gathered and went for a lunch. Also we spent one whole weekend together on the trip to Pipa. Pipa is little tourist town, which is worldwide known for beautiful beaches. We had a great fun together as well. I experienced a real latino party, where streets were full of dancing people. One Friday our contact persons created for us a typical brazil party with a special dress and food. Me, my host and my friend very often made trips by our own.
Accomodation is provided by hosting families. My host family was great. It included med student, her boyfriend and their little dog. They created a real home for me. They planned for us many places to go a foods to eat. I like this system of accomodation, because you can experience a everyday life in Brazil. Every host family have to serve two meals per day and food here is really tasty, you definitely should taste their brigadeiro, cakes, fishes, tapioca, pineapple juice and many types of fruit, what we don´t grow. It is really easy to gain a weight in Brazil, but it worth it.
I can say that this was for me the best experience of my life. It helped me to develop as a person. I fell in love with the people, nature and atmospere of this beautiful country. So if you´re having an opportunity to travel and see the world I absolutely recommend a clerkship in Brazil.